Megan Silva

Artist based in North Carolina


Megan Silva is an acrylic painter who was born and grew up in South Africa. After meeting her husband in South Korea she moved to North Carolina where she currently lives with him and their two children. Megan has a degree in English literature and she taught before moving to the States. After having children she felt a deep yearning for a creative identity outside of her role as mother, and she began to dedicate any and all spare time to drawing and painting, reveling in all the joy, frustration, and personal growth it has brought.


Too many ideas and not enough time. My mind is constantly jumping from one to the other, but when pen comes to paper I always find myself being drawn back to the simple pleasures. A dinner with friends, a morning coffee in the sun, a stroll through an antique store. These are the pictures that fill my camera roll and the images that end up on my canvas. Through my art I want the viewer to be drawn into that quiet moment. I feel that I am only at the beginning of my journey as an artist and I hope to explore all sides of myself and my lived experience. The countries I’ve lived in, my homeland, and motherhood. But for now, simple pleasures.

Instagram: @megansilvaartist


Rachael O'Shaughnessy


Ekaterina Stolyarova