FREE Compare & Contrast Activity, Grades 10-12


Grades 10-12

In this activity, students will draw similarities and differences between the work of contemporary artists Cinta Vidal and Tishk Barzanji. This activity asks students to compare the following:

  1. Subject Matter

  2. Color & Light

  3. Perspective

  4. Composition

This activity should be implemented after a student-led discussion surround these artists work. It’s very helpful for students to engage in a dialogue before responding to these questions. This activity helps build critical thinking skills and gives students an opportunity to examine the elements of art.

Click here to access this free activity.

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Grades 10-12

In this activity, students will draw similarities and differences between the work of contemporary artists Cinta Vidal and Tishk Barzanji. This activity asks students to compare the following:

  1. Subject Matter

  2. Color & Light

  3. Perspective

  4. Composition

This activity should be implemented after a student-led discussion surround these artists work. It’s very helpful for students to engage in a dialogue before responding to these questions. This activity helps build critical thinking skills and gives students an opportunity to examine the elements of art.

Click here to access this free activity.

Grades 10-12

In this activity, students will draw similarities and differences between the work of contemporary artists Cinta Vidal and Tishk Barzanji. This activity asks students to compare the following:

  1. Subject Matter

  2. Color & Light

  3. Perspective

  4. Composition

This activity should be implemented after a student-led discussion surround these artists work. It’s very helpful for students to engage in a dialogue before responding to these questions. This activity helps build critical thinking skills and gives students an opportunity to examine the elements of art.

Click here to access this free activity.